Cosmetic gynecology

Cosmetic Gynaecology is a developing area of gynaecology, introducing plastic (cosmetic) surgery into gynaecology. It can help a lot of women get over the embarrassment, distress and insecurities they may feel when with a sexual partner, in relation to the appearance of their genital area.

Moreover, common, occasionally embarrassing symptoms, such as “laxity” of vaginal walls and incontinence can nowadays be effectively treated, WITHOUT surgery. In some cases, surgical techniques may also need be considered.

New advances in this area, offer a wide range of surgical and NON-surgical options:

Commonly used procedures


Labiaplasty is performed to improve the appearance of the labia, or lips of the vagina. Labia minora of the vagina may be large, causing discomfort under clothing or during intercourse, or may be unequal or may have been damaged during childbirth. Surgery can reshape the labia minora.
Labia majora may also become less firm in appearance, which can be corrected.

Vaginal Tightening / Reconstruction

A. Surgical options

Vaginal births can severely damage vaginal tissue and muscles which may not improve following pelvic floor exercises. This may render sexual intercourse less satisfying and may be associated with mild or severe urinary incontinence and, sometimes, prolapse. Surgery tightens pelvic floor tissues, offering better sensation to the patient and her partner. Different types of surgery may be used, depending on the severity of the condition. These options will be discussed in detail with you!

B. Commonly used NON-surgical options

Laser Vaginal rejuvenation

This procedure involves the tightening of the inner and outer muscles and structures of the vagina enhancing vaginal muscle tone, strength, and control, therefore resulting in better sexual satisfaction of the patient and her partner.

This can be achieved using state-of-the-art Laser technology.

You may be a good candidate for this type of surgery if:

  1. Your vaginal walls have become more lax due to ageing, weight loss or pregnancies.
  2. You have mild stress urinary incontinence.
  3. You desire a more refined contour to your labia and vulva.

This procedure can be performed on an outpatient basis, under local anesthesia. Mild discomfort is expected for a few days, following this procedure.

Radiofrequency – ThermiVa

Additionally, following menopause, or chemotherapy treatment , vaginal skin (mucosa) usually becomes very dry , making sexual relations impossible. Traditional treatments include use of vaginal estrogens, massage or pelvic floor exercises.

Vaginal lasers (above) have been used to improve vaginal moisture with significant success in some cases. However, the size and diameter of laser probes can cause significant discomfort when placed inside the vagina.

In such cases, another ultra-modern piece of equipment, called ThermiVa, can be used to cure these symptoms. ThermiVa has already been used for several years, in countries such as USA. Its probe is smaller than the average finger and has a distinct and comfortable “S” curve that follows the natural curves of the vagina. ThermiVa results have been outstanding and exceptionally safe. It uses temperature controlled radio frequency to stimulate
new collagen and elastin formation both outside and inside the vagina. It also creates new blood vessels resulting in increased blood flow in the area. Within three months the
vulva and vagina are invigorated and renewed and sexual relations become pleasurable for the woman and her partner, once more.
Treatments are done without anesthesia, take about 20 minutes per month for three months and effects commonly last for 1-2 years.

Privacy and discretion are upheld at all times in our practice.

My areas of expertise


Laparoscopic and Hysteroscopic Surgery

I have performed thousands of laparoscopies and hysteroscopies and am a member of the team of doctors responsible for the daily running of IASO hospital endoscopy unit


Reproductive medicine and fertility problems

I am particularly interested in "IVF-low responders" women


Colposcopy and HPV infection

Accredited by the british colposcopy society ( list of accredited colposcopists)


Aesthetic (Cosmetic) Gynaecology

Senior member of European society of aesthetic gynaecology ( list of Senior members)


Egg donation

Stay fertile forever!